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Working out with my mom has been an awesome experience for the both of us.  It has allowed us to bond on another level as mother and daughter.  It has also afforded us the opportunity to share and learn from one another.  Every workout, my mom encourages and pushes me toward reaching my goals. On my fitness journey, my mom has helped me achieved great results that I struggled to achieve on my own.  Her belief in me has boosted my confidence and I couldn't be more proud to be on this journey toward a healthier lifestyle with anyone else but her. 


Tyra G. 

Los Angeles, CA

Six years ago, I made the decision to change my life, which included improved health and weight loss.

I tried several popular weight loss programs, some sporadic dieting and I even learned how to swim, but  

I never stayed focused or committed long enough to be successful. Then I began strength training  

with Coach V.  I was never an athletic person or ever played sports, so the commitment to physical training 

was hard and one of the biggest challenges I ever faced in my life.  Thanks to Coach V, she supported and pushed me to reach my goals.  In addition to personal training, Coach V educated me on healthy eating and setting attainable goals.  With her support and my discipline, I now know what it means to be committed to your health and fitness.  IT'S A LIFESTYLE!  Thanks Coach V.


LaSonya G.

Los Angeles, CA

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Phenomenal!!! That's how I now feel about myself thanks to Coach V!  Before I started training with Coach V, I had gained so much weight it scared me.  I got on the scale and the number I saw was one I had never seen before. Then I made one phone call and it CHANGED MY LIFE!  Since I started training with Coach V, I've lost 48 pounds in 8 months.  I have learned how and what to eat and I look and feel so much better. My clothes were literally falling off! Everyone says how amazing I look.  If you are serious about getting in shape, learning how to eat and changing your lifestyle for the better, then make the call….CALL COACH V!!!

Nicole J

Los Angeles, CA

Permanent weight loss is achievable for all, but some of us need the help of a good coach. Working with my baby sister, Coach V has motivated me to do better with meal planning and daily exercise.  Weight training has especially delivered lasting results. There are a few things that keep me motivated.  They are the positive health benefits I'm experiencing, sharing my story with others and continuing to have the guidance and support of a great trainer. And did I mention that my training program has been 100% virtual.  I want to encourage you, that can do anything you put your mind to. So, just do it. Commit to being a  better & healthier version of you like I did. Thanks Coach V!!


Margarette M.

Baton Rouge, LA

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